“You wake up, and as you’re emerging into consciousness, you feel this horrible dread, this real wretchedness. Immediately, your mind starts to race. You think about all the crap that you have to do at work — you have that mountain of email which you will never dig yourself out of, the phone calls you have to return, and that important meeting across town. You’re going to have to fight traffic, you’ll be late picking your kids up, your dog is sick, and what are you going to make for dinner? Oh my God. What is wrong with my life?”
I love this TED talk of neuroscientist Lisa Feldman Barrett in which she explains how our emotions work.
I sometimes have these experiences too: Before I am even out of bed I am already in distress about all the things I need to do. Or when I am really angry about as situation just because I am hungry. But luckily I have learned how this telling threesome of emotions, thoughts and physical sensations work together, interact and affect each other. By creating awareness around this threesome I can understand my own mind, construct my experience and be a self-leader!
This is one of the subjects that I teach in my courses on personal leadership. The telling threesome is an absolute fundament of understanding yourself and leading yourself. If you want to know more, feel free to contact me!