
The one quality that make everyone a great leader

By 14/04/2015No Comments
6858401014_7e49415aa8_oA while ago Forbes described 10 qualities that a good leader should have (find here):
  1. Honesty
  2. Ability to Delegate
  3. Communication
  4. Sense of Humor
  5. Confidence
  6. Commitment
  7. Positive Attitude
  8. Creativity
  9. Intuition
  10. Ability to Inspire
Two year later HBR posted a blog on skills that you need most to be a good leader, in which inspiring and motivating others was the number one quality. (find here)
I think that all these skills are valuable. But that there is one skill, competency or reflex -whatever you like to call it – is important for excellent leadership: Self management.
Because if you can’t lead yourself how can you lead others?


Being able to be your best at any circumstance because know how to manage yourself.
And therefor it takes to be self reflective in the moment. It requires being aware of what is going on right now and how you can and want to act on the circumstances. It asks for alertness, for honesty to yourself, to not jump into habitual patterns. It asks for going up to balcony and see yourself while you are dancing:  being fully present in the moment and above the moment.
Everyone can be a great leader if you master self management. Savvy isn’t it?
 Want to know more about self management and personal leadership? Check out our trainings.


photo credit: Nathan Rupert find here